The providers of North Scottdale Med Spa, located in Phoenix, AZ, are committed to ensuring patients have access to the latest technologies and methodologies to improve the skin’s appearance. Men and women interested in resurfacing their skin may want to ask our team about the benefits of treatment with the CO2 ablative lasers.
What is a CO2 ablative laser treatment?
Ablative lasers are beams of light that are easily absorbed into the skin, delivered at varying levels of narrow wavelengths to target specific areas of the tissues. This causes the temperature to rise and provides tissue evaporation or “ablation.” These lasers are used for treating a wide range of skin conditions by stimulating the body’s natural healing process to renew damaged skin with healthier tissues. C)2 ablative lasers have been considered the gold standard for ablation, allowing for improved heating of the tissue for better results.
How does the CO2 ablative laser treatment work?
The wavelength at which the CO2 laser light is produced allows for absorption by the water present in the skin. The laser heats this water to improve thermal stimulation of the deeper levels of the skin. This helps the body improve skin cell turnover in a more natural way, thanks to the stimulation of healthy skin cell production.
How long do I need to take off of work and social activities for healing?
CO2 ablative laser treatments are deep and aggressive, but provide amazing results after the initial healing process. The recovery period for these treatments is extended to approximately two weeks. After this, any redness of the skin can be easily concealed with cosmetics as needed. While other treatments have shorter downtimes, they often require several treatment sessions to achieve the same results.
Determine if you are a candidate for CO2 ablative resurfacing treatments
At North Scottdale Med Spa in Phoenix, AZ, our providers are pleased to offer a myriad of options for improving the skin and body If you are ready to speak to a professional about the use of CO2 ablative resurfacing treatments for improving the texture and tone of the skin, contact the practice today by calling (480) 419-9605 and visiting at 7000 E. Mayo Boulevard, Ste. #1020. Our providers are pleased to welcome new patients into the practice for quality care.